My Bio
I have been training with weights for 23 years; I started when I was very young. I have always tried to lift as consistenly
as possible so that I could add more muscle mass with each passing year. This was not always easy especially the 6 years
that I was in the Army on active duty. Lifting very heavy is the norm for me; I enjoy the challenge. On rare
occasions I do some light work but it is the crushingly heavy iron for which I yearn. I believe that it requires heavy weight
training to build mass; particularly at the novice stage. I am a certified personal trainer and have a Bachelor of
Science Degree. I train at Complete Fitness in Pittsburgh, PA. They sponsor me by taking care of my supplement
needs every month, providing me with free tanning, and additional support as is needed. I host a local weekly
workout TV show, Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness, on Adelphia Cable in Pittsburgh, PA. This show pertains to the novice
as well as the advanced bodybuilder. I use this venue to teach on various aspects of bodybuilding, health, nutrition, etc.